My Challenge: 1 day = 1 video!

nutrition Jul 19, 2021

My Challenge: 1 day = 1 video!

Day # 1: Calories

Information to remember:

Your body needs energy to function. This energy comes from your food, these are the foods that provide you with this energy in the form of calories.

The laws of thermodynamics apply to the human body, here is how the energy balance works:

  • If my intake > my needs → So I 'm gaining weight
  • If my intake <my needs → Then I lose weight

It's not complicated: if you gain weight, it is because you eat more than your needs and if you cannot gain weight, it is because you are not eating enough ...


Day # 2: Macronutrients and Proteins

Information to remember:

Protein is an essential macronutrient for your body to function properly. It is important not to neglect them.

For athletes, it is advisable to consume 1.8 gr / kg / day

Why ? My full article on the subject.

For sedentary people, I recommend not to eat less than 1 gr / kg / d


Day # 3: Lipids

Information to remember:

Lipids are essential for life. They should not be wrongly demonized.

Be careful, however, prefer good quality fats :

  • Remove trans fatty acids and partially hydrogenated oils from your diet (industrial / processed products)
  • Favor omega-3 essential fatty acids (oily fish, nuts, flaxseed oil and seaweed for vegetarians / vegans)
  • Reduce your consumption of omega-6 (vegetable oils: sunflower, rapeseed, corn, grape seeds, etc.)

Daily intake:

For women: 40% of your total caloric need (DEJ: daily energy expenditure)

For women: 40% of your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)


Day # 4: Carbohydrates

Information to remember:

Carbohydrates are not an essential macronutrient. You can consume it according to your energy needs and therefore to adapt your calorie intake .

If you practice regular physical activity, do not hesitate to consume it.
In the context of weight loss, it is the first source of energy to be reduced: it is a simple, effective and safe solution.

Choose good sources of carbohydrates, use your common sense.



Information to remember:

Our body is unable to digest them yet fibers are essential for the proper functioning of our digestive system : they intervene in the mechanical action of digestion, participate in the good health of the intestinal flora etc ... A regular consumption of dietary fibers makes it possible to reduce mortality by 22% by reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, colon cancer or obesity.

The intestinal flora itself has many functions within the body, it participates in the maintenance of our immune system: " The intestine, our second brain " by Prof. Francisca Joly Gomez

We generally do not consume enough fiber, the recommendations are: minimum 30 g / d

Sources: vegetables, legumes (after soaking / fermentation), oilseeds, mushrooms.

Vitamins and minerals are necessary for good health, remember to: consume:

  • Increase your consumption of foods with a high nutritional density , rich in micronutrients: fruits, vegetables, oilseeds, seafood, etc.
  • Limit industrial and processed products that lack healthy micronutrients.



Information to remember:

Most research suggests that the frequency of meals by itself does not affect energy expenditure or nitrogen balance (which is the balance of proteins in your body) and that it doesn't really matter how much. of meals you split your macronutrients.
However, limited research on the subject suggests that 2 meals may not be enough for optimal results in strength training (such as weight training) especially during a dry spell. Finally, Norwegian research has shown us that as part of a mass gain, 3 meals would be greater than 6 meals so we can conclude that a frequency of 3 to 5 meals per day is optimal.

Be consistent with your eating plan, no matter what time you eat!

Associated researches:

The Norwegian study: https : // www . duo . uio . No. / handle / 10852 / 28684

6 meals vs 2 meals: https : // www . ncbi . nlm . nih . gov / pubmed / 8960647

6 meals vs 3 meals: https : // www . ncbi . nlm . nih . gov / pubmed / 23703835

The frequency of meals has no impact on energy expenditure:

https : // www . ncbi . nlm . nih . gov / pubmed / 9155494

https : // www . ncbi . nlm . nih . gov / pubmed / 19943985

https : // academic . oup . com / nutritionreviews / Article / 73 / 2 / 69 / 1,820,875 / Effects - of - meal - frequency - it - weight - loss - and - body

6 meals vs 4 meals: https : // www . ncbi . nlm . nih . gov / pubmed / 26132746



Information to remember:

Focus first on your calorie intake, your intake of protein and good quality fat, be sure to consume enough fiber and foods rich in vitamins and minerals before you take the lead with food supplements.

A good diet, enough sleep as well as an optimized training will have a real impact on your physique.


  1. Omega 3 / Fish oils: minimum 2 g / d ( recommendations depend on the country )
  2. Vitamin D: depending on your needs
  3. Multivitamins: according to your needs (Dry period / poor nutrition)
  4. Creatine: 20 g the first 5 days then 5 g per day . Preferably after training with carbohydrates, proteins that stimulate insulin production. Contrary to the myth, creatine does not cause water retention. [2]
  5. Caffeine: avoid as much as possible the consumption of caffeine on a daily basis so as not to be dependent (dependence from 75 mg per day). If you are addicted, you will no longer be sensitive to the effects of caffeine. To improve your performance, you can consume between 75mg-150mg before training.

BCAAs Are Useless: Here , Here and There

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